Best Clothing Options for Corporate Headshots
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Wednesday, December 06, 2023
By Paul's Vegas Photography
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Paul’s Vegas Photography captures headshots on location or at our studio. When it comes to picking the right clothing, we have a few things for you to think about. Choosing the right clothing for corporate headshots is essential to convey a professional and polished image. We also suggest having a makeup artist on set to finish off the look you need. Here are some guidelines to help you make the best clothing choices:

1. Solid Colors: Choose solid colors over patterns, as they tend to look better in photographs. Solid colors like navy, charcoal, black, and white work well. Avoid busy patterns or small stripes, as they can be distracting.

2. Classic Styles: Opt for classic and timeless styles that won't look outdated quickly. A well-fitted suit or a tailored dress can create a sophisticated and professional appearance.

3. Neutrals: Neutrals such as grays, blacks, whites, and navy are safe choices. These colors convey a sense of professionalism and are less likely to distract from your face.

4. Avoid Neon Colors: Vibrant or neon colors can be distracting and may not photograph well. Stick to more subdued tones for a professional look.

5. Consider Company Culture: While maintaining a professional look is crucial, consider the culture of your workplace. If your company has a more relaxed dress code, you might be able to incorporate some personal style within the boundaries of professionalism.

6. Grooming Matters: Ensure that your clothing is clean, well-pressed, and fits properly. Attention to grooming details, such as neatly combed hair and minimal accessories, contributes to an overall polished look.

7. Avoid Logos and Graphics: Clothing with visible logos or graphics should be avoided as they can be distracting. The focus of a corporate headshot should be on your face and not on the clothing.

8. Accessorize Thoughtfully: Simple and classic accessories, such as a watch or a pair of stud earrings, can complement your look without being overpowering. However, avoid excessive accessories that may distract from your face.

9. Consider Skin Tones: Choose colors that complement your skin tone. Cool-toned individuals may look good in blues and grays, while warm-toned individuals may opt for earth tones and browns.

10. Layering: Adding layers, such as a blazer or a cardigan, can add depth to your outfit. Just ensure that the layers are not too bulky and maintain a professional appearance.

Remember, the key is to project a professional and approachable image. It's essential to feel comfortable and confident in what you're wearing so that your personality can shine through in the headshot. If you're uncertain, it's always a good idea to check with Paul’s Vegas Photography or your company's guidelines for any specific recommendations they may have.