Tips for getting GREAT speaker photos at a conference
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Sunday, October 08, 2023
By Paul's Vegas Photography
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Getting great speaker photos while speaking at a conference can help you build your personal brand, promote your expertise, and create memorable content for your portfolio or social media.

Here are some tips to ensure you get high-quality speaker photos.

Communicate with the Event Organizer

Before the conference, communicate with the event organizer and inquire about the availability of a professional photographer. Many conferences hire photographers to capture speakers and sessions.

Coordinate with the Photographer

When there is an official event photographer, introduce yourself and your session to them. Talk with the photographer to get your preferred angles, shots, and any specific moments you want them to capture. At Paul's Vegas Photography we reach out before the speaking engagement to discuss the speaker's needs.

Dress Professionally

Dress appropriately for the event, and ensure your outfit complements the stage lighting. Avoid overly bright or reflective clothing, as it may interfere with the quality of the photos. Many speakers travel to events, and it is important to have clothing that is professional pressed or steamed and not wrinkled.

Practice Your Poses and Movements

Practice your gestures, expressions, and body language for the stage. Knowing when to smile, make eye contact, or use hand gestures can help you look confident and engaging in photos. Expressions are key to get great photos. The speaker must end each sentence with an expression that they want to have captured. It is hard to get great pictures while speakers are talking. To help the photographer you can control your photos by giving them an opportunity to get that expression at the end of the sentence.

Stage Positioning

Familiarize yourself with the stage layout and consider where the best photo opportunities might be. Try to stay in well-lit areas and avoid standing in shadows. When moving around talk to the photographer about the range on stage that they can cover from their shooting location(s).

Microphone Placement

When speaking from a podium make sure the microphone doesn't block your face in photos. Adjust its position so your expressions and mouth are visible. Walk to the side on pauses a few times to capture you not just the podium.

Engage with the Audience

Engage with the audience naturally during your talk. Expressive facial expressions and hand gestures can make your photos more engaging. If you are leaving the stage to engage with the audience, it is imperative to let the photographer know.

Use Visual Aids

If you have slides or visual aids, coordinate with the photographer to capture these elements. They can be valuable for showcasing your expertise in photos.

Capture Candid Moments

Communicate with the photographer to capture candid moments of you interacting with the audience or fellow speakers. These shots can convey authenticity and connection. Smiling and hand gestures are always a great look in photos.

Timing is Key

Always inform the photographer about the key moments in your presentation, such as impactful quotes, demonstrations, or audience reactions, so they can anticipate and capture them. Paul's Vegas Photography always captures your best interactions.

Lighting and Background

The photographer and you should try to pay attention to the stage lighting and background. Ensure that the lighting enhances your visibility and doesn't create unflattering shadows. A clean and uncluttered background can make you stand out.

Posture and Confidence

Maintain good posture and exude confidence while speaking. Confidence can translate into strong and impactful photos.

Credit the Photographer

When sharing your photos on social media or other platforms, credit the photographer whenever possible. It's a courteous gesture and can build a positive relationship for future events. Photographers always appreciate the recognition. Remember that good speaker photos often result from collaboration with the event photographer, effective stage presence, and attention to detail in terms of your appearance and positioning on stage.

When looking for a photographer to capture your event look no further. Paul's Vegas Photography has you covered.